THe Dedham Junior Womens Club is proud to have worked with or supported the organizations on this page. THis is not an exhaustive list of groups we have partnered with, but should provide insight into the type of work that we do.
Dedham Youth Commission
We donate gift cards, which the youth commission distributes to Dedham families in need.
Dedham Public Libraries
We give donations to each of the libraries in Dedham to support their yearly fund raisers. We have also donated money to sponsor the Gardner Museum pass that the library purchases for residents to use.
VFW West Roxbury
We have donated gift bags for female veterans at the VFW. We have also done collections and donations of DVDs and other items that are popular for patients there.
The Arts committee makes bags and cards for Meals on Wheels participants.
Meals on Wheels
The Public Issues committee has donated money for a bus to take high school students to the Edward Kennedy Institute in the past.
Dedham High School
The Home Life committee organizes bi-yearly trips to volunteer at the food pantry. The club has also given in-kind and monetary donations when we know there is a great need.
Each year we have a trunk at the town’s Trunk or Treat event. Last year the theme was women’s suffragettes.
Dedham Trunk or Treat
We have volunteered time stuffing bags and delivering them to new members of the community. We also have used club funds to host events sponsored by the Welcome Wagon.
Dedham Welcome Wagon
We have supported DEF fundraising events such as the spelling bee and the 5K Dash.
Dedham Education Foundation
We support various fundraisers run by each PTA and donate gift cards to the schools to be distributed to needy families. We also support all of the DPS libraries.
Dedham Public Schools PTAs
We provided support to send one child to summer camp at the community house.
Dedham Community House
We support various town events. For example, we purchase deeds for dedham day and support the flag day parade.